PSN login

Reason for the PSN login#back to top

Some users have problems with the PSN login because either they don't want to perform a PSN login because of security concerns or because they receive some strange errors like "A connection to the server could not be established" from the official Sony login web-page. Please note: PXPlay doesn't have at any time access to your PSN email address or password. PXPlay is using the official PSN login web-page from Sony and PXPlay only has access to your PSN Online-ID and your Account-ID after a successful login. These two data are stored encrypted on your device and nowhere else.

Why is the PSN login needed anyway? Well, since the PS4 firmware update 7.0 Sony decided to use the Account-ID for registering a Remote Play client with a PlayStation rather then using the Online-ID (PSN user name) like before. This Account-ID is a unique number which is an identifier for your PSN profile. Upon registering with your PlayStation this Account-ID must be sent to your console or it won't allow to register. Furthermore, if you want to use the automatic remote connection feature a PSN login is needed because it requires PSN credentials.

Alternative login method

If you can not perform a PSN login within PXPlay because of a CAPTCHA problem or because of an error message like this "A connection to the server could not be established" you can click on "Problems?" on the top right corner:

On the next screen click on "OPEN PSN LOGIN WEBSITE". The PSN login website will be opened on the default browser of your device. Perform now a PSN login. If you're having similar login issues as before, open the login URL in a browser on another device and perform the PSN login.

After a successful login, you should now see a white redirect page. Copy the URL from the address bar of your browser and go back to PXPlay.

Back in PXPlay paste the URL in the "PSN login redirect URL" textbox and PXPlay should now be able to finish the login.

Register without a PSN login

PXPlay allows it to directly enter the Account-ID during the registration process by activating the "Advanced Settings", if you do this, you will NOT need to sign in to PSN in PXPlay. Just keep in mind that without a PSN login an automatic remote connection can not be performed. You can find below three methods of how you can query your Account-ID:

1. There is a small program on Windows which allows it to query the Account-ID for a specific user which is available here. You must perform here a PSN login as well in order to query the Account-ID but the program is open-source and available here so you can verify easily by yourself that there isn't anything harmful happening. Some short instructions about the program can be found here.

2. You can go to a PC and open this web-page. Just follow all the instructions on that web-page. Please note, in the result of the trinket website your actual Account-ID is next to the user_id variable and should look something like this

'user_id': '4474834823397313449'

It consists ONLY of numbers. Thanks to CSystem77 for providing this script at

If you have successfully queried your Account-ID you can register with your PS5/ PS4 manually without performing a PSN login. In the Register view of PXPlay just activate the "Advanced Settings" check "Register PS5 manually"/ "Register PS4 manually" and add the Account-ID in the textbox.

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